Estimates of aboveground biomass and wood volume in Sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth.) stands
Mathematical models produced from dendrometric relationships that use the diameter at breast height (DBH) and height can be an alternative to estimate the biomass and wood volume of individuals and forest stands, which is useful for forest management. Thus, we aim to adjust mathematical models to estimate the humid aerial biomass and the wood volume of a Sabiá stand. To do this, we made the cubage of the humid aboveground biomass and the volume at commercial and total height. We used DBH and height as predictor variables, according to the requirements of each equation. The choice of the best equation was based on adjusted R2, on the normality of the residues, on their graphical distribution and on the standard error of the estimate (Syx%). The biomass model = 7.134411743986 + 0.218501385492548 *DAP2 was the most suitable for the adjusted biomass data. The best equations for estimating the volume at commercial height and total height were respectively: V = 0.0042493278498619 + 0.0000322813042346465*(DAP2*Hcommercial) and V = 0.00404929514539746 + 0.0000278267926885885*(DAP2*Htotal). The height was a variable that contributed to the improvement of the models to estimate the volume, however, it did not produce improvements in the models to estimate humid aerial biomass.
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