Use of remote sensing in monitoring suspended solids in the reservoir of a hydroelectric plant in the Cerrado-Amazônia transition zone
The use of remote sensing in monitoring suspended solids in the reservoir of a hydroelectric plant (UHE) in the Cerrado-Amazônia transition is justified due to the need to monitor the sediment deposition in the dam structures. Thus, this study uses the Normalized Water Difference Index (NDWI) in monitoring the concentrations of suspended sediments (Css) in the Sinop HPP reservoir. The data were obtained through field collection, performed quarterly, and application of the NDWI index on satellite images in the Arcgis 10.1 software. To verify data performance, tests were run in an R programming environment, using the mean absolute error, root of the mean square error, bias, Willmott’s concordance index and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency index (ENS). The coefficient of determination showed a value of R² 0.66 for station Amount 01 and 0.70 for the station Jusante Barramento. Regarding the efficiency of the data estimated by the NDWI index, the model was deemed “satisfactory”. However, it is concluded that this geoprocessing tool does not currently stand as a substitute for traditional collections, but as a support for continuous tracking and alert of possible changes, allowing for better assessments and possibly more realistic decision making.