The information literacy on university television station: initial thoughts and contributions to the brazilian context


  • Luciane de Fátima Beckman Cavalcante
  • Regina Célia Baptista Belluzzo


Televisão Universitária, Competência em Informação, Produção de conteúdo informativo


The university television station is a communication vehicle that incorporates principles of social structure change by the culture, knowledge and education dissemination which may lead to the formation of behaviors and opinions instilling critical thinking in individuals and promoting dialogue between society and university by disseminating the knowledge produced in the academic environment. In this way it is pertinent to know and understand the information literacy of professionals working in this context when it comes to content production for university television station. For this initial discussion are addressed the concepts of university television station as well information literacy in order to establish relations between the two issues mentioned highlighting the relevance of studies in this scenario in relation to the Information Science context. Keywords: University Television- Information Literacy- Production of information content


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How to Cite

Cavalcante, L. de F. B., & Belluzzo, R. C. B. (2011). The information literacy on university television station: initial thoughts and contributions to the brazilian context. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 21(3). Retrieved from



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