The use of information sources in the high school private educational system of Rondonópolis-MT
Fontes informacionais.Pesquisa na internet. Professores de ensino médio. Bibliotecário.Abstract
The following article is a result of a research group called Advanced Studies in Information1 and had as its aim to verify which are the information sources (press and electronic) used by 28 teachers of high school private educational system of Rondonopolis, MT. In the context, the internet was shown as an information source, the importance of research since elementary school up to the entrance in the University and the librarian as a mediator of information on the web. The research portrayed that most of the teachers used the sites Google and Yahoo to do their researches. It was also possible to notice that the most used press source was the local newspaper and the most used electronic sources were the specialized magazines. It could be concluded that in order to access information sources, the teachers used the search sites directly, and many assumed they have only learned how to use the search sites after a long period of experience.Downloads
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How to Cite
Pinheiro, M. I. da S., & da Silva, E. R. P. (2008). The use of information sources in the high school private educational system of Rondonópolis-MT. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 18(3). Retrieved from
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