ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE: structural dimensions and dynamic aspects
The authors in the field of contemporary administration, in any approch used or in any theme focused , agree that the organizational culture is a determinant resource to the actions of the organizations mainly as a factor that may support or restrict any competitive and competent performance in the business world. However, once it is a complex fenomena, it is noticed through the given literature that the attempts to define the concept of “ organizational culture” have arisen a compilation of endless synonyms, towards the contemplation of its amplitude, without a clear development of its theoretical grounds, being either redundant or reducionist or else lacking definition of its determinant factors and their results. Based on a bibliographic research, the present article proposes a theorectical reflection about such a topic, throughout the combination of the organizational culture and the human behaviour in the organizations as a contribution to the conceptualization which leads to both a better understanding and management of it.Downloads
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How to Cite
Zago, C. C. (2005). ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE: structural dimensions and dynamic aspects. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 15(2). Retrieved from
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