Biopolitics in Archives: Surveillance and risk

Surveillance and risk




This article is the result of the theoretical research on the biopolitical effects in the archives. It presents the dimensions of power and discipline in the formation of documents and archives, as well as relating surveillance actions and effects from the notion of risk. In the study, the archive is presented as an element that has in itself the power of government or a government, capable of acting in the auxiliary field of the state's regulatory mechanisms. In this sense, the study aims to identify and describe the biopolitical link of the archive in modernity. To this end, it employs a qualitative methodology, with a bibliographic design of the use of secondary sources, which articulate theoretical, conceptual, and analytical elements that substantiate the procedural undertaking of the research at the descriptive level. It points out as considerations, that the biopolitical effect in the archive acts in the exercise of devices of political power in the execution of the government, seeking to maximize its effects through the recognition of everything possible to register, classify, represent, conserve and disseminate.

Keywords: Archive. Biopolitics. Surveillance. Risk. Information.


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Author Biographies

Derek Warwick da Silva Tavares, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Doutor em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI-UFPB). Professor Adjunto do Instituto de Ciência da Informação (UFBA).

José Mauro Matheus Loureiro, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Doutor em Ciência da Informação  (IBICT/UFRJ). Estágio Pós-doutoral (PPGAS/UFRJ). Professor Titular da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.



How to Cite

Tavares, D. W. da S., & Loureiro, J. M. M. (2020). Biopolitics in Archives: Surveillance and risk: Surveillance and risk. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 30(3), 1–19.



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