MARC, MARCXML e FRBR: connections found in literature
Requisitos funcionais para registros bibliográficos, Representação descritiva, Catalogação, Formato MARCAbstract
The paper presents the MARC format and its evolution throughout the years. It presents the XML language briefly, to subsidize the presentation of the ideas found in the literature concerning MARCXML. Considering a correspondence between the elements of the model FRBR - Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records and the format, this paper explores, by means of the revision of recent literature, the discussions found about the relations between the conceptual model and the MARC format.Downloads
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How to Cite
Moreno, F. P., & Brascher, M. (2007). MARC, MARCXML e FRBR: connections found in literature. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 17(3). Retrieved from
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