PRINTED AND /OR ELECTRONIC: study on the use of a work of reference


  • Ida Regina Chitto Stumpf


The study sought to identify and compare facilities and difficulties in the use of works of reference which are presented using different supports. The work produced by the Nucleus of Research in Information and New Technologies of the PPGCOM/UFRGS, entitled “Theses and Dissertations in Communication in Brazil (1992-1996) - abstracts”, was used. This exploratory study, using a qualitative approach, employed a focal group of students from a postgraduate course as the technique for the collection of data. The subjects were divided into two groups, one of which used the printed version of the work and the other the electronic format, available at the address The results allow us to conclude that the new format of the works of reference presents advantages for the user although the difficulties of access do not completely dispense the printed form.


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How to Cite

Stumpf, I. R. C. (2003). PRINTED AND /OR ELECTRONIC: study on the use of a work of reference. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 13(2). Retrieved from



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