The Interacting State

Brazilian National Immigration Council and the coordination in immigration policy


  • Isabel Meunier Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo



The National Immigration Council (CNIg) is a deliberative body made up of government representatives, employers, workers and civil society that carries attributions related to the formulation of national immigration policy. This article focuses on CNIg in order to: (i) analyze its historical trajectory, aiming to identify how the role played by the agency in the context of Brazilian migration policy evolved, and observe the strategies adopted to expand it or modify it; (ii) scrutinize how the pluralization of actors and the diversification of public policy processes affect the aggregation of preferences in shaping political output. For this purpose, we use the institutional framework, based on the concept of complex institutional arrangement, on the literature about intragovernmental coordination and on models of collective decision making.


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Author Biography

Isabel Meunier, Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo

Isabel Meunier é doutora em ciência política pela Universidade de São Paulo (2017) e Analista de Políticas Públicas e Gestão Governamental da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo.


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