The Chinese Educational Cooperation

A Case Study on The Chinese Government Scholarship System


  • Jéssica Ribeiro Querino China Foreign Affairs University.



Scholarship; Education; China; Postgraduate studies.


This article has the exploratory aim of answering some of the hugest doubts of undergraduate and graduate university students about living in China while attending higher education. In this sense, this paper will highlight important aspects concerning the Chinese education system, explaining how it works so that readers could understand some differences and similarities between Brazil and the People’s Republic of China. Furthermore, the main reasons for pursuing a postgraduate degree in that country will be mentioned, taking into account the author’s impressions of attending a master’s degree and Ph.D. in that country. For this purpose, a case study on the Chinese Government Scholarship will be done, emphasizing the Chinese University Program category, a full scholarship for postgraduate students. Ultimately, the procedure for having a successful application will be detailed.


Keywords: Scholarship; Education; China; Postgraduate studies.


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Author Biography

Jéssica Ribeiro Querino, China Foreign Affairs University.

Mestre e Doutoranda em International Relations na China Foreign Affairs University.
Bacharela em RI pela UFPB

