The Socialist Youth of the PSB and its activism through the magazine Movimento Socialista (1956-1960)
Socialist Youth, PSB, Marxism, MagazineAbstract
This article aims to analyze the trajectory of the Socialist Youth of the Brazilian Socialist Party, in the period from 1956 to 1960. The formation of a Youth was a controversial topic in the ranks of the PSB, after attempts, such as the creation of the Brazilian Socialist Student Movement (MESB), in the early 1950s, a group of militants affiliated to the legend, organized around the leaders of Erich Sachs and Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira, articulated a Socialist Youth in 1956.But the PSB served more as a “legal cover” for the group, whose ideas were much more radical than those taken up by the party founded in 1947. In addition to the two aforementioned leaders, JS also passed Aluízio Leite Filho, Piragibe de Castro, Rui Mauro Marini, Paul Singer, among others. PSB's JS will be one of the pillars of ORM-POLOP, together with the Independent Socialist League and the PTB Labor Youth. Through the Socialist Movementmagazine, JS exposed its ideas and political conceptions ofa Marxist and revolutionary nature, anticipating what would be seen on the pages of the newspaper Operária Política, informative by ORM-POLOP.
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