Sud chesti

Soviet science under the scrutiny of the regime




Cinema, Science, Soviet Union, Late Stalinism


The film Sud chesti [Court of honor], 1948, by director Abram Room, was one of the elements of the Soviet regime's media campaign to put the genie back in the bottle after the cultural opening to the allies and the social relaxation during and immediately after the Second war. It was necessary to justify to the country the turnaround in the international situation with the Cold War, the severing of ties with former allies, the containment of industrial espionage promoted by them against the USSR, the subjection of science to political dictates and the repression of defenders of reform, rapprochement and distension. For his analysis, Marc Ferro's cinematographic socio-history was used, with his search for the intertwining of politics, society and cinema, with the intention of allowing cinema to present society and politics from another perspective, and these, when modeling cinema and be influenced by it. Parts of the audience identified with the regime and its new exacerbated post-war nationalism found in Sud chesti the elements for identifying and persecuting internal enemies, how to direct them to the reborn court of honor, and to understand its role in the political education of the masses. The defense of the homeland is involved with the objective of controlling scientific knowledge and its contacts with the outside world.


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Author Biography

Moisés Wagner Franciscon, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Moisés Wagner Franciscon é graduado (2003), especialista (2005) e mestre (2013) pela UEM; doutor pela UFPR (2019); pós-doutorando pela UFPR. SEED-PR/Campo Mourão.


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SUD chesti [Tribunal de honra]. Direção: Abram Room. Moscou: Mosfilm, 1948. 1 DVD (90 min), P&B.



How to Cite

FRANCISCON, M. W. Sud chesti: Soviet science under the scrutiny of the regime. Saeculum, [S. l.], v. 28, n. 48, p. 79–100, 2023. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n48.65620. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.