About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Áltera Journal promotes contributions to theoretical-methodological and empirical debates in the field of Anthropology. The journal is structured around an Editorial Committee, a Scientific Board and a Technical Team that receives and publishes articles, visual essays, reviews, interviews and translations in Portuguese, Spanish and English on a continuous basis. The journal has a space that is continually open to publications on a free theme and also has biannual dossiers that address specific topics.


Peer Review Process

The journal's Editorial Committee is responsible for evaluating the relevance and quality of the submitted material and deciding whether to publish all submissions.

With regard to articles, the works are subject to an evaluation process that follows the following steps:

I - The manuscript is initially evaluated by editors who assess the text in view of its academic relevance, as well as its compliance with the guidelines described on our website. In this first stage, the manuscript may be accepted or rejected, noting that this evaluation does not include the issuing of evaluations, but merely qualifies it for the second stage of evaluation.

II - The second stage consists of the evaluation of the manuscript's merit by two ad hoc reviewers with expertise in the subject matter of the work, observing the criterion of double anonymity. The editorial decision at this stage may be: a) approved without modifications; b) approved with minor modifications (provided that it includes the recommendations indicated by the reviewers); c) approved with major modifications (provided that the necessary reformulations indicated by the reviewers are made, with a new evaluation of the manuscript); d) rejected for publication. In cases where there is a divergence between the evaluations of the first two reviewers, the text will be forwarded to a third ad hoc reviewer to break the tie. At the end of this process, the authors will be informed of the result of the evaluation.

III - In the third stage, if the manuscript is approved with modifications, the authors must continue the process by sending two documents: a) a clean and complete version of the manuscript, indicating only the changes made throughout the text with the yellow highlighting tool and b) a free-format summary table indicating the modifications made in relation to the observations in the review. The article is then reviewed by the journal's editors, who observe the structure, content and form of the work in light of the reviewers' considerations and may also suggest changes if they deem necessary. In the event of non-compliance with the recommendations contained in the reviews, the article will not be published.

To assess visual essays, the journal has a committee specialized in the area of ​​Visual Anthropology that follows the parameters of a double-blind evaluation.

In the case of reviews, interviews and translations, the submitted proposal is analyzed by the Editorial Committee and may be sent to a specialized evaluator.


Open Access Policy

Áltera Journal offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides the global democratization of knowledge.


Journal History

Áltera was created with the aim of fostering the consolidation of the Postgraduate Program in Anthropology (PPGA) at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), having begun its activities in December 2015.

In its first evaluation, the journal achieved the Qualis B4 rating by CAPES. Over the years, the journal has improved, managing to maintain excellent periodicity, a high degree of internationalization, as well as other important factors for its rating, rising in 2022 to the Qualis A4 rating, one of the most qualified CAPES ratings. 

Over the years, the journal has published works that address a wide range of topics that are important to the anthropological discipline, such as cultural traditions and manifestations, challenges for the training and work of anthropologists, perspectives on development, insurgent identities in the Latin American universe, tourism, anthropologies of childhood and education, as well as various anthropological perspectives on health and care, including dossiers dedicated to dealing especially with the covid-19 pandemic.

Professors Marcia Reis Longhi, Rosa Virgínia Melo, Pedro Francisco Guedes Nascimento, Monica Lourdes Franch Gutierrez, Patricia dos Santos Pinheiro, Marcos Carvalho, Flavia Ferreira Pires and Maria Elena Martinez-Torres have already worked on the edition of the journal. Currently, we have the coordination of Maristela Oliveira de Andrade and Lara Santos de Amorim.