O SEI 4.1.1 e a avaliação de documentos

a avaliação que não avalia


  • Daniel Flores UFF
  • Ívina Flores Melo IBICT
  • Tania Gava UFES




Modelo de Requisitos e-ARQ Brasil, SEI, Avaliação de documentos


This paper aims to analyze the compliance of classification and appraisal with the requirements of e-ARQ Brasil and the Electronic Information System (SEI). The functional requirements on appraisal and classification listed in part II of e-ARQ Brasil were selected. From the selection, which presented a total of 56 mandatory requirements (O), 17 highly desirable requirements (AD), and 4 optional requirements (F), we attempted to verify their implementation within SEI. To assess this, we organized three analysis categories: fully meets, partially meets, and does not meet. The results revealed that out of the total requirements, 30 are fully met, 16 are partially met, and 32 are not met. Regarding the mandatory list, 46.4% are fully identified. However, for the highly desirable ones, only 22.2% were covered, and the optional requirements were not addressed. In conclusion, it was found that SEI, in its version 4.1.1, still does not fully comply with the mandatory requirements of the Standard Model for archival document management within the framework of Brazilian archival legislation. It is noteworthy that there is a need for increasingly in-depth studies regarding the assessment of the level of adherence and maturity of document management systems used in public or private archival document management in Brazil.

.Keywords: e-ARQ B


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How to Cite

FLORES, D.; MELO , Ívina F.; GAVA, T. . O SEI 4.1.1 e a avaliação de documentos: a avaliação que não avalia. Archeion Online, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2 (Edição Especial), p. p.102–122, 2023. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2318-6186.2023v11nEdição Especial.68925. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/archeion/article/view/68925. Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.

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