Lessico famigliare. Questionari e confessioni- Carlo Michelstaedter


  • Angela Michelis




Existencialism, reflection, jewish philosophy


Carlo Michelstaedter is aphilosopher of the limit: limit between thenormality of that thought coming from themodern era and that one coming from theanormalityfromtheexistencialistphilosophy around 20th Century. This kindof philosophy refuses to concept thephilosophy as product of the relationbetween the mind and the object. Hebegins a kind of single and radicalphilosophical thought, and his philosphystraight to represent a real way of life of arich jewish family living at CentralEurope, characterized by the conflict andpain for not having a country like a home.This article aims to tell about thatsuffering and conceptions coming fromthat situation.


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Author Biography

Angela Michelis

Ph.D Turin University. She has written numerous articles and books on Carlo Michelstaedter, Hans Jonas with official translations to Italian, some articles on Augusto Del Noce, Italian philosophers. She is interested in history of philosophy, in contemporary theoretical and moral thought and its roots in classical philosophy. She was member in examination boards of theoretical and aesthetic philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Turin, redactor of the national journal “Filosofia e Teologia” (Philosophy and Theology), she is part of the steering committee of the journal on the philosophy and psychoanalysis “L’ombra” (The Shadow).


M. PROUST – C. MICHELSTAEDTER, LESSICO FAGLIARE. Questionari e confessioni, editado por A. Cavaglion e A. Michelis, Torino, Aragno, 2014.

A. CAVAGLION, Una giovinezza immortale. Michelstaedter e Tolstoj, in Dialoghi intorno a Michelstaedter, editado por S. Campailla, Gorizia, Biblioteca Statale Isontina, 1988.

C. MICHELSTAEDTER, Taccuino O, 7 agosto 1905.

MICHELSTAEDTER, Scritti scolastici, editado por S. Campailla, Gorizia, Il comune, 1976.

C. MICHELSTAEDTER, Questione centrale, in Opere, editado por G. Chiavacci, Firenze, Sansoni, 1958.

C. MICHELSTAEDTER, Il dialogo della salute, editado por S. Campailla, Milano, Adelphi, 1988.

C. MICHELSTAEDTER, Pessimista è l’imperfetto pessimista, in Opere.

C. MICHELSTAEDTER, La persuasione e la rettorica, editado por S. Campailla, Milano, Adelphi, 1982.

A. SCHOPENHAUER, Il mondo come volontà e rappresentazione, Milano, Mursia, 1969.

C. MAGRIS, Un altro mare, Milano, Garzanti, 1991, 1° ed. Trad.

MICHELIS, A. Carlo Michelstaedter, In: Revista Humanitas, n.5/2011.



How to Cite

Michelis, A. (2016). Lessico famigliare. Questionari e confessioni- Carlo Michelstaedter. Aufklärung, 3(1), p.83–90. https://doi.org/10.18012/arf.2016.28195