Heidegger: technique and forgetfulness of being
Heidegger, Forgetting of being, Technique, Truth, FreedomAbstract
It is about circumscribing the meaning of the phenomenon of technique in the horizon of Heidegger's thought and his critique of classical metaphysics. For that, in a first moment we present the phenomenon of the technique in the scope of its reading of this metaphysics in its essence: the forgetfulness of being. In a second step, we present, within the limits of our text and in a more particular way, two indications of the essence of the phenomenon in question. The first in the technical connection, truth and freedom and the second in the technical, science and metaphysical connection. To conclude, then, with a brief reminder of what we can retain as the basic legacy of Heidegger's thought about this central issue for us in the current technological age.
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