Espiritualidade e Filosofia: a experiência da simpatia universal em meio ao oceanomundo


  • Thiago André Moura de Aquino Universidade Federal da Paraíba



Spirituality, Sympathy, Phenomenology, Spinoza, Scheler


In this article I propose to elaborate a possible answer to the question about the relationship between philosophy and spirituality. In the first part, I intend to delimit the meaning of the term "spirit", as it will be used in the deepening of the discussion, starting from historical-conceptual references of Western culture. In the second part, I will focus on spirituality in concrete, directly considering the immanentist perspective of assuming and experiencing the existential relationship with the sacred. Finally, in dialogue with Max Scheler, I propose an outline of analysis and description of a form of sympathy, the affective union [Einsfühlung]. I will designate this feeling of universal sympathy, precisely because it allows a way of opening existence to the cosmos, in which the participation and integration of the singular in the whole are positively experienced. In this experience of immersion I recognize a common ground that connects philosophical questioning and natural spirituality.


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Author Biography

Thiago André Moura de Aquino, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Professor no Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE. Este texto é fruto da apresentação que fiz no IV. Colóquio Internacional de Estética e Existência: "Filosofia e Espiritualidade", realizado na UFPB em 2019. Agradeço aos organizadores do evento, os Prof.s Dr.s Iraquitan Caminha e Gilfranco Lucena, e a todos os participantes. Agradeço também a Marcos Batista, Miguel Bittencourt e Lucas Amorim pelos comentários sobre a primeira versão deste artigo.


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How to Cite

de Aquino, T. A. M. (2020). Espiritualidade e Filosofia: a experiência da simpatia universal em meio ao oceanomundo. Aufklärung, 7(esp), p.73–86.