Art and Pessimism in “The Birth of Tragedy”


  • Robson Costa Cordeiro Universidade Federal da Paraíba



Nietzsche, art, pessimism, tragedy, truth


Taking Nietzsche's reflections in the “Essay of Self-Criticism” as a guiding thread, the article seeks to reflect on the relationship between art and pessimism, a relationship that, according to Nietzsche, constituted the puzzle and the fundamental problem of the Greek world. The relationship between tragedy and pessimism, conceived as "pessimism of strength", is the central issue of our study, here thought from the original tension between the artistic impulses of nature, the Apollonian and the Dionysian. Therefore, it is also necessary to think about the relationship between art and truth, between tragic thought and its dissolution by theoretical, Socratic-Platonic thought.


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Author Biography

Robson Costa Cordeiro, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Professor do Departamento e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (PPGF) e Coordenador do PPGF. Autor dos livros O Corpo como grande razão: Análise do fenômeno do corpo no pensamento de Friedrich Nietzsche, Editora Annablume, 2012 e Espírito de vingança e redenção da vontade em “Assim falou Zaratustra”, Editora Fi, 2016.


ARISTÓTELES. Poética. (edição bilíngüe). Tradução de Eudoro de Souza São Paulo: Ars Poetica, 1993.

GOETHE, Johan Wolfgang Von. Fausto: uma tragédia (edição bilíngüe). Tradução de Jenny Klabin Segall. São Paulo: Ed. 34, 2004.

HÖLDERLIN, Friedrich. Hyperion oder der Eremit von Griechenland. Wiesbaden: R. Löwit, s.d.

NIETZSCHE, Friedrich. Sämtliche Werke: Kritische Studienausgabe in 15 Bänden. München: Deustscher Taschenbuch Verlag de Gruyter, 1999.

NIETZSCHE, Friedrich. Poemas. Tradução de Paulo Quintela. Coimbra: Centelha, 1986.

OTTO, Walter F. Dionysos. Mythos und Kultus. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1960.



How to Cite

Cordeiro, R. C. (2020). Art and Pessimism in “The Birth of Tragedy”. Aufklärung, 7(esp), p.83–96.