Johann Gottlieb Fichte, education and interculturality
education, cultures, interculturality, nationalism, public-privateAbstract
This research tries to perform a critical and comparative analysis of the educational proposal of the German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814); who expresses a keen interest in education and politics, with the aim of recovering and liberating the German nation from foreigners. According to Fichte, an authentic education is that students must be removed from the world of adults to live in a purer residence, where they learn to live with honor and are able to invent machines and tools. Words and debate in the public space are not important. In contrast, Hannah Arendt's proposal is analyzed, who believes that all education should arouse citizen opinion and participation in the public space. The student must not be removed from the world to manufacture and sell (homo faber); On the contrary, he must learn to think for himself and act in concert. In this sense, contemporary discourses on interculturality, through a dialogue of knowledge, constitute an alternative of peace and harmony between different cultures.
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