[Quantum consciousness as the foundation of reality in Amit Goswami's thought]
Quantum Consciousnes, Conscious Observer, Possibilities, Quantum physicsAbstract
Quantum Consciousness is worked on, investigating from Amit Goswami how how “she” can be, ontologically, the foundation of reality at its most fundamental level and how it can become immanent. The objective is to present the concept of consciousness in a historical perspective as prior to materiality. It describes how the consciousness unfolds in subject and object provoking the phenomenal experience. It unveils a universal element that permeates everything and opens possibilities for application in ethics and in everything where there is the presence of a conscious being. Everything has been found to be possibility in quantum consciousness until the observer collapses making the transcendent immanent. It is hypothesized that quantum consciousness is the foundation of reality and that all people and beings have a common origin.
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