On the concept of virtue in Plato and Aristotle


  • Miguel Ahumada Cristi Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana




virtue, plato, aristotle


It is possible to see that in the discourse on an ethics of virtues, Plato and Aristotle on many occasions are presented as obligatory referents. The problem that we observe is that in many scientific productions, most not in the Philosophy area, these are cited as those who initiated and founded the rationality of virtue, ethics and morality, without making distinctions between the two, when there are distances. It is not entirely correct to characterize them as equals. This article aims to show that although it is correct to say that Plato and Aristotle conceive virtue as a reflection and a constant rational attitude, there are important differences between the two when it comes to an ethic of virtue.


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Author Biography

Miguel Ahumada Cristi, Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana

Degree in Education and Pedagogy from UNAP, Iquique, Chile; Master in Philosophy from the UAH, Santiago de Chile; Doctor in Education and Society from the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain. Since 2015 he teaches History of Education, Philosophy of Education and Spanish/LE at the Federal University of Latin American Integration. Since 2017 he has been a member of the Coordination of the Interdisciplinary Center for Arts and Arts - CILA. He is founder and member of the Board of the Kultrun Letters and Arts Bulletin and Director of the Research Group "FROM HANDS IN BROAD PATHS. Elaboration of teaching materials for education in human rights, values ​​and citizenship".


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How to Cite

Ahumada Cristi, M. (2022). On the concept of virtue in Plato and Aristotle. Aufklärung, 9(2), p.33–46. https://doi.org/10.18012/arf.v8i3.59847


