[Sokal and Bricmont's critiques of postmodernism: a systematization]


  • Henrique Napoleão Alves Instituto Fatos e Normas - Facts and Norms Institute




Postmodernism, Science Wars, Social Sciences, Humanities, Epistemology


Sokal and Bricmont's criticisms of postmodernism contained in the work “Fashionable Nonsense” caused different reactions in Brazil and abroad. Among us, however, there has not been an academic study dedicated exclusively to understanding, systematizing and describing the ideas about postmodernism contained in the work as a whole. This article intends to fill this gap and contribute to the existing literature. To fulfil the cited general objective of understanding, systematization and description, the philosophical investigation aimed to understand and describe i) the general characteristics and the intellectual and social roots of postmodernism; ii) the philosophical and sociopolitical critiques of postmodernism made by Sokal and Bricmont; iii) the antidotes or alternatives to postmodernism presented by the authors. The result is likely useful as support material in the study of the work and in the study of the postmodern thinkers criticized by Sokal and Bricmont; for the critical analysis of other postmodern thinkers; for anyone who wants to engage in the debate about postmodernism, either to criticize it or to defend it. Due to its content, it may be of particular interest to scholars of philosophy and history of thought, general epistemology and the epistemology of human and social sciences, sociology of science and anyone interested in the intersections between science, rationality and social emancipation.


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Author Biography

Henrique Napoleão Alves, Instituto Fatos e Normas - Facts and Norms Institute

Doutor em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Pós-doutoramento em Direito (Democracia e Direitos Humanos) pela Universidade de Coimbra. Formação complementar em Lógica e Pensamento Crítico pela Duke University. Pesquisador-Chefe do Instituto Fatos e Normas (Facts and Norms Institute). Advogado e Consultor Jurídico da Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos. Pesquisador Visitante do Instituto de Pesquisa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Social (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development). Professor licenciado da Faculdade de Direito Milton Campos.


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How to Cite

Napoleão Alves, H. (2023). [Sokal and Bricmont’s critiques of postmodernism: a systematization]. Aufklärung, 9(3), p.123–142. https://doi.org/10.18012/arf.v9i3.63908