This paper aims to investigate the contributions of bibliotherapy in the work of the hospital psychologist with the hospitalized child. It is known that the harmful consequences from a child hospitalization are numerous, and that the hospital psychologist must seek to minimize such consequences as well as promoting the well-being, emotional and social development of the infant. The bibliotherapy seeks to minimize the suffering of children, through reading, storytelling and dramatizing a literary text, as well as comments that are made later, allowing the appeasement of emotions and, consequently, physical well-being. Assuming that the bibliotherapy and the hospital psychology have similar goals, there is the issue of this work: how can bibliotherapy help the hospital psychologist’s work in the care of hospitalized children? We found that, beyond the consonance between the goals of hospital psychology and bibliotherapy, this last one, also helps the psychologist to humanize the hospital, and allows it to access the internal world of the child. Thus, we conducted a qualitative research, with a explanatory design and bibliographic method.Downloads
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