Análise da gestão documental do Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS)
Records management is a set of procedures andtechnicaloperations thatbecomesindispensable for Archive efficiency. In Brazil, Federal Law nº 8.159 /1991 establishesnationalrecord policy, placingrecords management as a mandatoryapplication for publicrecords. Thus, the general objective ofpresentresearchistounderstandrecords management at Federal Instituteof Sergipe (IFS), as well as to figure out its applicationlevel. Ontheotherhand, a comparison betweenrecord management at IFS and Federal Universityof Sergipe (UFS) wasinitiated. Methodologically, thispaperusedbibliographic, documentaryanddescriptiveresearch. Databasesandacademicresearch websites werealsoinvestigated. At last, a qualitative approach wasused through case study. It wasnoticedthat records management is still underdevelopmentat IFS and it isattheminimum level. Document management comparisonbetween IFS and UFS wasnotdevelopedbecause therewas no information about record management legislation on UFS Archive website . Therefore, consulting Santos (2014) it wasconfirmed that UFS Archive does notfollowcurrentpublicrecords legal basis. Finally, it wasevidentthat IFS isdevelopingit'scollections organization andeventhough its document management isnotfullyimplemented, it exists.Downloads
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