Digital Libraries and Learning Objects Repositories


  • Patricia Zeni Marchiori


Bibliotecas digitais. Bibliotecas virtuais. Objetos de aprendizagem. Repositórios de objetos de aprendizagem – Metadados. Repositórios de objetos de aprendizagem – Modelos.


Discusses the technological changes that affects learning organizations as well as the human, technical, legal and sustainable aspects regarding learning objects repositories (LOR) creation, maintenance and use. It presents concepts of information objects and learning objects (LO), the functional requirements needed to their storage at Learning Management Systems. The role of Metadata is reviewed concerning learning objects creation and retrieval, followed by considerations about learning object repositories models, community participation/collaborative strategies and potential derived metrics/indicators. As a result of this desktop research, it can be said that not only technical competencies are critical to any LOR implementation, but it urges that an engaged community of interest be establish as a key to support a LOR project. On that matter, researchers are applying Activity Theory (Vygostky, Luria y Leontiev) in order to seek joint perceptions and actions involving LOM users, curators and managers, perceived as critical to a successful proposal.


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How to Cite

Marchiori, P. Z. (2012). Digital Libraries and Learning Objects Repositories. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 22(2). Retrieved from



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