Mediation of information and its dialogical, aesthetic, formative, ethical and political dimensions: a foundation of Information Science in favor of social protagonism




Analytical study of the scientific literature that focuses on the information phenomenon, the mediation of information,
socio-interactionist theories, articulating approaches of authors that situate information and the work with information in
a social perspective in dialogue with approaches that focus on the mediation of information, theories socio-interactionist,
communication, semiotic and linguistic theories, with the support of the contente analysis technique in intesive and recursive
readings in the identification of points of convergence between perspectives and propositions. As a result, it expands
the dimensions of information mediation, presenting a conceptual proposition of information and discussing that the
effectiveness of mediating action depends on conscious mediation, which seeks to reach its dialogical, aesthetic, formative,
ethical and political dimensions, ensuring the process of problematization for that the appropriation of information and the
awareness process takes place, which contributes to the development and strengthening of social protagonism and allows
access, use and appropriation of information within democratic parameters, which is fundamental to the process of social
transformations. In this perspective, it emphasizes the problematization and práxis as freirian categories that support the
importance of conscious mediation, the formation of the professional and organic intellectual of the field, as well as the
proposal to raise the mediation of information and its dimensions to the condition of the theoretical foundations of Science

Keywords: Dimensions of information mediation. Conscious mediation of information. Information – Concept.


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Author Biography

Henriette Ferreira Gomes, UFBA

Docente permanente no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação. Universidade Federal da Bahia.



How to Cite

Gomes, H. F. (2020). Mediation of information and its dialogical, aesthetic, formative, ethical and political dimensions: a foundation of Information Science in favor of social protagonism. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 30(4), 1–23.



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