A instituição arquivística e o respeito às identidades dos sujeitos sociais
Archival institutions, Identity, Memory, Information mediation, Cultural mediationAbstract
The archival institution, as an environment for mediation of information and mediation of culture, must contemplate the uniqueness of subjects who demand actions that reflect their experiences and relationships with information and their devices, in addition to seeking to represent elements of identity formation of these subjects, so that archival services can make sense to them. In this context, the study aimed to show, from the conceptions of information mediation and cultural mediation, the role of the archival institution and its practices in the recognition of the subjects' identities and in the contribution to social protagonism. As for the methodology, it is a bibliographic research that is guided by studies of identity and memory, establishing a close relationship with the concepts of information mediation and cultural mediation. Among the results, there was a need for the archivist to act beyond the documents that are in the collections, considering the process of identifying the different desires of users and present in the socio-cultural context. It is reiterated that the archivist can carry out his actions of mediation of information linked to cultural mediation, as interrelated actions for the promotion and construction of knowledge, re-signifying the archive device in a cultural device, part of the social sphere, welcoming, including and promoting the diverse cultural manifestations present in the medium to which the archive serves.
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