Attitudinal Evaluation in the Spanish Press

On the Constitutionality of Same-Sex Marriage



Critical Discourse Analysis; Appraisal Theory; Attitude; Press; Homosexual Marriage.


This paper pursues to develop a Critical Discourse Analysis exercise comparing Spanish conservative and progressive press through the study of the evaluation/appraisal language focusing on the attitudinal component. A corpus has been compiled around the ratification of the legality of the homosexual marriage in Spain by the Constitutional Court in 2012, seven years after the lodging of a complaint of unconstitutionality by conservative members of Parliament of the Popular Party. As a method, we have followed the Appraisal Theory designed by Martin and White (2005) focusing just on attitude and its three components: affect, judgement and appreciation. The analysis of results reveals the negative attitude displayed by the conservative press towards homosexual marriage and its network of agents and social values. On the contrary, the progressive press fosters positive attitudinal evaluation of homosexual marriage and its social components. The homophobia suffered by the latter on the part of political, social and religious agents are the object of criticism by the progressive press.


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Author Biography

Juan Ramón Guijarro-Ojeda, Universidad de Granada

Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura


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How to Cite

Guijarro-Ojeda, J. R., & Ruiz-Cecilia, R. (2024). Attitudinal Evaluation in the Spanish Press: On the Constitutionality of Same-Sex Marriage. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 33. Retrieved from



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