Justiça Ambiental e o Green New Deal

Uma análise interseccional dentro da lógica de teoria aplicada


  • Emanuel Assis Aleixo de Franco Programa de Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP, UNICAMP, PUC-SP)




From the idea that it is necessary to break with the environmental injustice that is structured in the exploitation of people and the planet, the objective of this work is to analyze the Green New Deal from an intersectional study between the proposals of the document and the 04 pillars of the radical environmental justice in Benjaminsen and Svarstad (2020) – (1) Distributive justice; (2) Recognition; (3) Procedural Justice and (4) Capabilities. The Green New Deal is a climate transition project based on the Keynesian logic of the State as the main actor in promoting economic and social development, in this case, the development of sustainable infrastructure, the creation of clean jobs, the promotion of environmental justice and the fight against to the global climate crisis. The research question is: “What is the empirical role of the Green New Deal in the theoretical debate on Environmental Justice?”. The methodology will be carried out from a theoretical investigation within Green Theory and Critical Ecopolitics in a comparative analysis of theory-project in the idea of applied theory in Barry (2014). The hypothesis is that despite the limits of a reformist project, the Green New Deal is inserted as an advance within the most radicalized debates in Environmental Justice, and shows itself as the tip of a movement that passes through the project, but goes beyond it.

Keywords: Environmental Justice. Green New Deal. Green Theory.


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How to Cite

Assis Aleixo de Franco, E. (2023). Justiça Ambiental e o Green New Deal: Uma análise interseccional dentro da lógica de teoria aplicada. Journal of Scientific Initiation on International Relations, 10(20), 245–260. https://doi.org/10.22478/ufpb.2318-9452.2023v10n20.66213


