The immigrant securitization process: An analysis of Donald Trump's, Viktor Orbán's and Jair Bolsonaro's speeches.

Uma análise dos discursos de Donald Trump, Viktor Orbán e Jair Bolsonaro


  • Ana Giulia Aldgeire Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Andre Marcondes Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Renan Lopes Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


This work aims to analyze three case studies on the narratives constructed by political actors and the instruments mobilized by security professionals in the treatment of international migrations and their problems present in the international order. Using the rhetorical materials of three governments and their respective leaders – Viktor Orbán (2010-today), Donald Trump (2017-2020) and Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022) – it will be explored, through discourse analysis, the migration policies implemented in their respective countries. In the line of this reflection, the theoretical support helps in the understanding that securitization was institutionalized as a political construction, treating immigration through the lens of criminalization. From this perspective, the preliminary results of this research shows a high degree of correlation between migration and security, in addition to racialized and restrictive discourses towards certain groups of immigrants, whose presence is treated as a threat, coming from governments of the so-called alt -right.


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How to Cite

Aldgeire, A. G., Marcondes, A., & Lopes, R. (2023). The immigrant securitization process: An analysis of Donald Trump’s, Viktor Orbán’s and Jair Bolsonaro’s speeches.: Uma análise dos discursos de Donald Trump, Viktor Orbán e Jair Bolsonaro. Journal of Scientific Initiation on International Relations, 11(21), 1–16. Retrieved from