The construction of global governance over the environment: an analysis of Greenpeace’s contribution

Uma análise sobre as contribuições do Greenpeace


  • Fabiana Montenegro Gonsalves Universidade Federal da Paraíba


This work analyzes the dynamics of global governance for the environment through Greenpeace operations. From this perspective, it is essential to understand the elementary characteristics of global governance that enable the participation of non-governmental organizations, in addition, the historical process of participation of these actors on the international scene is understood, from their recognition in the UN Charter of 1945 to the conferences carried out between 2022 and 2023. Next, it is a dialogue between the structure of Greenpeace's activities, based on cases related to the organization's contribution to global governance, listing capabilities and limitations. Thus, an analysis of cases reported on Greenpeace's environmental activism was carried out in addition to a bibliographical review aiming to establish the components associated with the construction of global governance for the environment.


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How to Cite

Montenegro Gonsalves, F. (2024). The construction of global governance over the environment: an analysis of Greenpeace’s contribution: Uma análise sobre as contribuições do Greenpeace. Journal of Scientific Initiation on International Relations, 11(22), 1–11. Retrieved from


