Towards a Methodological Scheme-Interpretation


  • Hans Lenk University of Karlsruhe



Schemas, perception, knowledge, neurology, psychology


Any kind of knowledge, cognition, perception, and action is necessarily shaped by (re)activation of "schemata". Any interpretation is schema (re)activation. Schemata are epistemologically speaking "structural" activation patterns which are psychologically and neurologically speaking accommodated, adapted, "learned" by (co- and re)activating neuronal assemblies. Six levels of interpretative schema activations (schema interpretations) are outlined from invariable primary "interpretations" through conventional, classificatory and justificatory as well as meta-interpretations. Constitutive schema interpretations are unavoidable. Many philosophical problems will have to be reformulated or reinterpreted along these lines.


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Biografia do Autor

Hans Lenk, University of Karlsruhe

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Lenk. Professor at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany, Honorary President of Institut International de Philosophie. Hans Lenk won the gold medal for rowing at the 1960 Rome Olympics.


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Como Citar

Lenk, H. (2018). Towards a Methodological Scheme-Interpretation. Aufklärung: Journal of Philosophy, 5(2), p.11–20.