The genesis of the intuition of the otherness and the formation of the transcendental community: the question of intersubjectivity in Husse


  • Marcos Alexandre Alves Centro Universitário Franciscano - UNIFRA



Phenomenology, Self, Other, Solipsism, Intersubjectivity


This article aims to examine the genesis of the intuition of the other and how the formation of the transcendental community occurs, that is, to investigate the issue of intersubjectivity in Husserl. Phenomenology evokes the primacy of eidetic study, taking essences to the highest level of purity intentionally. In the phenomenological reductive system, the ego can rigorously explain itself and reveal to itself its structure of the possibility of knowledge. It is shown that, Husserl, in order not to fall into solipsism, adopts a new perspective of approach to the reductive system (abstract epoché), which allows identifying the transcendental structures of the relations with other subjects. It is evident that, when intending the other, in the transcendental perspective, the self is faced with a pure structure of connection, which allows it to constitute a common world, that is, the sense of collectivity. Therefore, phenomenology, now provides, from new bases, the constitution of the transcendental self and its concrete reality, as a monad, and when describing the issue of intersubjectivity, as a community of subjects, as the foundation of transcendence, it emancipates itself from solipsism and complete the reductive system.


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Author Biography

Marcos Alexandre Alves, Centro Universitário Franciscano - UNIFRA

Doutor em Educação - PPGE/UFPel. Mestre em filosofia - PPGF/UFSM. Licenciado em Filosofia - FAFIMC. Professor do Curso de Filosofia e do Mestrado em Ensino de Humanidades e Linguagens - Centro Universitário Franciscano - UNIFRA.


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How to Cite

Alves, M. A. (2020). The genesis of the intuition of the otherness and the formation of the transcendental community: the question of intersubjectivity in Husse. Aufklärung, 7(3), p.21–32.