The concept of hope (Hoffnung) in Hegel’s philosophy
Hegel, Philosophy, hope;, hopelessness, fearAbstract
The objective is to expose and analyze the concept of "hope" (Hoffnung) in Hegel's Philosophy, in relation to his concepts of "hopelessness" (Hoffnungslosigkeit), "fear" (Furcht), "despair" (Verzweiflung) and "suicide" (Selbsttötung - Selbstmord). These are concepts and problems that concern us and about which there is little research, besides being current in the face of the historical moment (2020) of a pandemic, of so much illness or of lack of health. They are research, exposure and critical-philological, historical and hermeneutic analysis of Hegel's work, based on classical and interpretative texts, seeking to properly understand the concepts cited. With this, in short, we try to quote and understand, in an appropriate way, the Hegelian thought, examining his work before the real circumstances in which it was exposed, avoiding the many expositions and misinterpretations, because there is a dispute, at first, between what Hegel said and what they say he said and/or what he should or could have said. In summary, the main objective is to expose and analyze, in a judicious way, what Hegel really said and, therefore, the work will purposefully have many quotations, notes and quotes.
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