Intervention Bioethics and Epistemic Decolonization: The knowledge of the peoples of the Amazon in health care
Intervention bioethics, Decolonial epistemology, Amazon people knowledge, Ecology of knowledge, Integrative and complementary practicesAbstract
Given the context of colonialism, which insinuates to the colonized peoples that only the knowledge of the north of the globe is valid, as it comes from the scientific method, the knowledge of the original peoples has been supplanted. In the case of indigenous health, in many villages, healing practices using plants and shaman rituals were replaced by medicines, while the knowledge of these peoples about the use of medicinal plants and their rituals was demonized by the advance of evangelical churches in the villages. Therefore, this article is justified by bringing a reflection on the bioethics of intervention, decolonial epistemology and Complementary Integrative Practices as a way to promote the appreciation of the knowledge of the peoples of the Amazon in health care, using as an example the case of the Paiter Suruí, portrayed in the Documentary Ex-Pajé, by director Luiz Bolognesi (2018).
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