The term Verstehen as a relationship between Psychology and Knowledge Theory in the work Ideas by Wilhelm Dilthey
Dilthey, Psicologia, Teoria do Conhecimento, VerstehenAbstract
The term Verstehen, during the 19th and 20th centuries, was widely used in philosophical currents such as hermeneutics, history and phenomenology. Even today, its conceptualization is discussed and applied in the scientific context of areas such as psychology, philosophy, law and others. This fact highlights its relevance and points to the need for continued investigation. Thus, the objective of the present work is to discuss the implications of Verstehen in the work Ideas on a descriptive and analytical psychology, 1894, by Wilhelm Dilthey regarding the relationship between Psychology and Theory of Knowledge. It is known that the author is at the basis of the thinking of the social sciences that developed in the 20th century and that this concept was present throughout his theoretical construct. However, it is in the undertaking of his descriptive psychology that a clearer elucidation of the epistemological and methodological intentions that the concept was responsible for in Dilthey's general work begins. In this way, for proper understanding, we intend to present the questions that the philosopher was asking; elucidate the development of the concept in the author's general work; and discuss the implications of the term in relation to the objective of the sciences of the spirit and in defense of its current relevance in the social and scientific scenario.
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