Gadamer and the guiding concepts of humanism: between yes and no to Kant
Culture, sensus communis, judgment, tasteAbstract
This paper examines Gadamer's interpretation of Kantian notions of concepts such as culture, sensus communis, judgment, and taste, as presented by Gadamer in Truth and Method, within the context of the guiding concepts of humanism. By contrasting Gadamer's citations of Kant with a broader reading of Kant's texts, as well as Gadamer's comments on Kant, it becomes evident that, although Gadamer extensively draws on Kant and adopts his terminology, he interprets these concepts in Kant differently, even when directly referring to the philosopher. In other words, despite quoting Kant, Gadamer does not adhere to the original meanings that Kant assigned to these terms, instead attributing them with a new significance.
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