Repositories of scientific data in teaching and research institutions in Brazil

a new challenge



It aims to provide an analytical overview of the activities involved from the changes induced by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that have modified Scientific Communication in recent decades, as Brazilian teaching and research institutions are inserting themselves in the context of open data and new challenges from the technological domain, with emphasis on the policies promoted by the integration of the Partnership for the Open Government (OGP), in the broad agenda of Open Science and innovation with the purpose of building a public science, transparent and widely accessible. It identifies teaching and research institutions that already have Open Research Data repositories in Brazil. For this, a quantitative and qualitative documentary, bibliographic and exploratory research was carried out on the theme, initially based on two recent reports of working groups that develop research for the implementation of national public policies. From these reports, a new search was carried out in the Re3data directory and in other sources using the portal to identify which Brazilian institutions already have research data repositories. In the study pointed out in the two reports in 2019 there were seven records on the Re3Data platform and eight found on the Web. In the research update, Re3Dta is constantly updated, ten records were found on the Re3Data platform and thirteen on the web, which lead us to perceive the growing presence of Open Data repositories in Brazilian research institutions that, although they indicate growth, this type of repository in Brazil is still very incipient.


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Author Biographies


Doctoral student in Information Science at the University Fernando Pessoa. Master in Information Science from the Graduate Program at IBICT / UFRJ (2012-2014). Graduated in Library Science at the Federal University of Pará. Specialist in University Library at the Federal University of Pará. He has experience in customer service activities, training in the use of databases, management of an information unit, in addition to work in the provision of services in the community with the practice of encouraging reading and information. Participates in the "UFRA Extension Program in Agrarian Reform" of the Federal Rural University of Amazônia.

Judite Gonçalves de Freitas, Universidade Fernando Pessoa

She is a full professor at Universidade Fernando Pessoa (UFP), coordinator of the Doctoral Degree in Political and Humanitarian Studies at UFP, PhD in History and also a PhD in Political Science. She has extensive research on Political Power, Political Institutions, State and Law, Institutional Processes, Comparative Political Studies, and Political Elites, in which she has published more than six dozen articles and ten books. She is the coordinator of the research group Portugal in Europe and the World: Migration and External Relations of the Research Center for the Study of Population, Economy and Society - CEPESE, and is a member of the Portuguese Institute of International Relations at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She has been a guest speaker at International Conferences in Portugal, Spain, Brazil, England, Italy, France; Morocco (2001-2019) in the context of different international projects. She has extensive experience in coordinating undergraduate and graduate studies (since 2000). His current research interests include comparative politics, state, government and law, political institutions and processes, political societies.





Reserch Reports