“MARCH SEPARATELY, STRUGGLE TOGETHER”: Trotsky and the fight against fascism





Leon Trotsky, nazism, fascism, communism


The present review aims to present a panoramic picture of the ideas defended by Leon Trotsky, contained in the book How to Crush Fascism — organized by the historian Henrique Carneiro, who has also written the introduction to the work — about the rise and consolidation of the Nazi-Fascist regime in Germany, as well as its conclusions for the international political scenario, notably with regard to the question of working-class organizations. The collection brings together writings written between 1930 and 1933, which bring the debate, familiar to the present time, of the united front against fascism as a political/ organizational tool for overcoming the crisis represented by the extreme right in power.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Cadore, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Graduado em ciências sociais (licenciatura) pela UFPB. Membro do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Pensamento Social e Político Brasileiro – ARIADNE. Tem interesses nas áreas de história dos conceitos, pensamento político brasileiro, teoria política e sociologia do trabalho. ID Lattes: 8174068936085010.

