UNDER THE SKIN: the pact of whiteness and censorship as a strategy of silencing and power maintenance





narcissistic pact of whiteness, literary censorship, anti-racist education, Jeferson Tenório.


This study aims to examine contemporary manifestations of the narcissistic pact of whiteness in Brazil, with an emphasis on the censorship of the book O avesso da pele by Jeferson Tenório (2020), which occurred in schools in some Brazilian states in 2024. The methodology is based on two axes: the concept of the narcissistic pact of whiteness, defined by Cida Bento (2022) and the analysis of the episode of censorship of Tenório's work. Additionally, analyses of excerpts from the book were carried out, relating them to issues of structuring and perpetuation of racism in Brazil. The theoretical foundation includes contributions from Jessé Souza (2017), Silvio Almeida (2019), Kabengele Munanga (2005) and Lélia Gonzalez (2020), providing a basis for understanding the complexities of racism in the Brazilian context. Discussions on the role of literature in anti-racist education were supported by Bárbara Carine Pinheiro (2020), Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (2019) and Conceição Evaristo (2009), who highlighted the importance of diverse and representative narratives in the formation of a critical and inclusive consciousness. This article aims to contribute to the understanding of racial and social dynamics, promoting an inclusive and transformative dialogue in response to the call for the construction of new civilizing pacts, as proposed by Bento (2022).


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Author Biographies

Eliane da Silva, Federal University for Latin American Integration

Graduated in Libras Letters (Brazilian sign language) with a full degree in Libras as L1 and L2 and Portuguese as L1 and L2, from the State University of Western Paraná. Specialist in teaching and learning additional languages, with an emphasis on teaching Portuguese as an additional language, from the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA). Master's degree in the Postgraduate Program in Comparative Literature, from the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA).

Júlia Batista Alves, Federal University for Latin American Integration

PhD in Linguistics and Portuguese Language from Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp Araraquara, 2019), in the area of ​​Language Teaching and Learning. She is currently a Professor at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (Unila), working on the Degree in Spanish and Portuguese as a Foreign Language (LEPLE) and teaching Spanish as an Additional Language through the Common Cycle of Studies (CCE). At Unila, she is a member of the research project "Black Women between borders: Public Policies and Social Spaces of Action", member of the Center for Afro-Latin American Studies (NEALA), lines of research: Education for Ethnic-racial Relations and Latin America: Diaspora and Intersectionality (Cnpq).


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