Culturas Midiáticas publishes new number with new ISSN and migrates to continuous flow mode


Culturas Midiáticas launched its newest issue, bringing some changes. The journal linked to the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Paraíba (PPGC-UFPB) will come, from 2021, in a single annual edition and continuous publication - that is, the articles will be evaluated and later added to the flow of the Journal as they are approved, without having different editions in the same Volume (year); the exceptions are thematic dossiers. In addition to this migration to the continuous flow modality, following an international trend of electronic journals, the change will optimize the process of evaluating articles, reducing the time period between submission and a possible publication, if the work is approved.

Our journal also has a new ISSN code, aimed exclusively at our electronic editions: 2763-9398. Even though we have emerged as a hybrid Magazine – published in print and digital –, since the last decade, Culturas Mediáticas has been published exclusively in electronic media, on our website. The old ISSN code will continue to be valid for the printed editions and for the digital editions published until 2020.

Among the recent actions of Culturas Mediáticas, crucial for the journal's growth, is our ongoing process of indexing to national and international databases, which began in 2020, with the aim of supporting and publicizing the works published in the Journal. Today, we are indexed to: the Diadorim directory; the Brazilian Journals Summary directory, the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (Road) and the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). It is also worth highlighting the consolidation of our new visual identity, developed by our Art Team and added to our website to our works in 2020.

In the coming months, our thematic dossier “Communication, accessibility and representation of people with disabilities” will be published; the articles are in the evaluation phase.