God ́s place is wherever i want it:
enunciations on religiosity and sexuality within an affective-mediatic gospel
Religiosity, Sexuality, ControverseAbstract
The present work aims to discuss how forms of construction of religiosity embrace enunciations of intimacy. In the specific case analyzed, we will use the post titled “Letter to a homophobic cousin”, text that is part of a corpus established in the framework of the controversy as construction of religious visibilities in the public space. The work of analysis demonstrates that there is a dispute over God’s place, established from the enunciation of sexuality. In this process, there is a regulation of meanings that regards both the religious memory of Grace (and its counterpart, the religious memory of the Law), and the affective-mediatic logics. We understand that the “place of God” reflects an ethical project. In other words: in addition to determining a religious subjectivity also reveals an enunciation of individuality. It is, therefore, an open and controversial discursive space that produces forms of enunciation that authorize certain existences, animated by the tone of the controversy.
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