Otaku, Japanoido, Shinjinrui:
affective relation with the image and fictional universes of anime
Otaku, Japanoido, Shinjinrui, AnimeAbstract
From the anime boom in the 90's, the otaku phenomenon has generated diverse reactions on reception and consumption. The discourse on otaku tends to oscillate between two notions, that of subculture sometimes with pathological degrees and the cool japan of mainstream culture. We will observe these trends in the anime configurations with authors Tsugata Nobuyuki, Thomas Lamarre and SaitōTamakiand in the theorizations about otaku with authors Tatsumi Takayuki, OkadaToshioand Azuma Hiroki. Our proposal is that the affective approach of the otaku with theanime opens a zone of autonomy within the otaku movement.
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