From militancy to deceit
an analysis of unnoficial networks supporting Bolsonaro and Moro
political communication, disinformation, networks, coordination, cloaked mediaAbstract
This article studies the amplification of political discourses by fake profiles. To this end, the text dialogues with the theoretical framework of disinformation, particularly applied studies that seek to identify tactics for coordinating inauthentic activity and articulating fabricated networks to boost political figures on Facebook. The data is composed of a sample of 22 fan-pages and 33,157 posts made between 2013 and 2018 on Facebook; of which 15 were Bolsonaro supporters and seven Moro supporters. The methodological procedures combine social network analysis and textual mining to point out the links between the pages, the systematization of the reposts, the semantic network of hashtags, and the citations to political characters. The main finding is a network of pages that act as supporters, echo chamber and amplifiers of far-right leaderships.
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