Enunciation assumptions of language
Whereas, concurrently, three thoughts: 1st) "taking into consideration that dominate a particular language involves more than just mastering a particular code, involves the appropriation and construction of particular ways of understanding and conceiving the world" (BERENBLUM, 2003, p .179), 2nd) "The focus of interest to the diverse and qualitative researcher is seeking to obtain the data described by direct contact and interact with the object situation (CRESWEL, 2006, p. 79) and 3rd) that any understanding of a spoken or written text and therefore implies a responsiveness in a value-judgment (BAKHTIN, 1992), delineates the assumption that metaphors drawn from academic courses in the language of law express the value judgments that guide behavior and educational relations, lacking an epistemological analysis in an interdisciplinary way.
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