Multi-dimensional information system model for strategic digital cities


  • Alex Volnei Teixeira First Nations University of Canda
  • Denis Alcides Rezende Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil - Urban Management Department


information systems, multi-dimensional information, management information systems, strategic digital city.


Information technology and digital public services are essential components for cities providing intelligent and customized information to the citizen's needs. As one of the multiple challenges of the strategic digital city, the researching objective is to propose a multi-dimensional information system model for cities. The research methodology is based on the Model Theory, considered the circumstantial reality, helped by the bibliographical survey and the non-participative observation. The data was collected hierarchically through the Infomapping technique, and five co-related international information system models were analyzed and compared. The result presents the multi-dimensional information system model articulated to the research constructs. The conclusion reemphasized the multi-dimensional condition of information through its dynamic nature, constituting as a strategic element for information systems, and also digital cities with the creation of a virtual social dimension, based on the new interactive relations among the multi-dimension information, citizens and the city.


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Biografia do Autor

Alex Volnei Teixeira, First Nations University of Canda

Dr. Alex Teixeira Professor Department of Indigenous Science First Nations University of Canada atim kâ-mihkosit (Red Dog) Urban Reserve 1 First Nations Way Regina, SK S4S 7K2 p: 306.790.5950 ext. 2506 e:

Denis Alcides Rezende, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil - Urban Management Department

Full Professor at Urban Management Post-Graduate Program. Researcher in Strategic Digital City and Public Administration. Post-Doctorate in Strategic Digital City, 2013-2014, School of Public Service (DePaul University, Chicago-EUA). Post-Doctorate in Municipal Public Administration, USP University, Brazil. Ph.D. in Information Technology and Public-Private Strategic Planning, UFSC University. Brazil. Master of Science in Information Technology, UFPR University, Brazil. Bachelor in Administration.


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Como Citar

Teixeira, A. V., & Rezende, D. A. (2023). Multi-dimensional information system model for strategic digital cities. Informação &Amp; Sociedade, 32. Recuperado de



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