
  • Yusuke Kaneko University of Tokyo (Researcher), Part time lecturer (Meiji University)




global warming, IPCC, AR4


Hans Jonas and Arne Næss have argued that philosophers need not be concerned with natural sciences even when they talk about enviromental issues like global warming (§1). However, believing sciences blindly is in itself unphilosophical. So we think, in this paper, the other way around: We consider the current view of global warming, which was reported by the IPCC, critically. The so-called AR4 is divided into two parts. One is about the industrial revolutions (§§5-9); the other is about the greenhouse effect (§§11-20). Through this consideration, it will be revealed: the views of the Establishment are not at all absolute; there still remain room to reconsider them.


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Author Biography

Yusuke Kaneko, University of Tokyo (Researcher), Part time lecturer (Meiji University)

Ph.d. (Univ. Tokyo. Philosophy)


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