
  • Eduardo Marcos Silva Oliveira Puc-Minas




Nietzsche, Übermensch, Concept, Christianity, Proposal.


The present article intends to emphasize the definition of one of the figures of exception in Nietzschean philosophical production, the Übermensch (above-human). We intend with the present article to describe the origin of the above-human and its importance in the Nietzschean philosophy as proposed to be reached by the man in the attempt of affirmation of the life. To understand this definition, we will address the origin of the concept of Übermensch before his employment in Nietzsche's work and how its meaning was distinctly constituted in his philosophy of the preceding interpretations.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Marcos Silva Oliveira, Puc-Minas

Doutorando e mestre em ciências da religião pela Puc-Minas.


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