
  • Paulo Fernando Rocha Antunes



Anthropological definition, Dialectic definition, Psychological definition, Feiticismo, Fetishism.


The present text summarily recovers what is understood as a triple definition of “fetishism” (or “feiticismo”) and seeks to proceed to its circumscription and distinction. In spite of a comprehensive background, is in the way that Marx defined the concept in which we are going to go into more detail. In this sense, it is intended to emphasize what is different in the definition in question, but enriching for the same, in the way it was understood by the German, and how it has sometimes been and is subject to omissions, as well as to misunderstandings (the privileged example of one of these misunderstandings will fall upon Adorno). In order to understand more accurately the need to rewrite on a theme so rebutted, especially with Marx as a motto, three dictionaries will be used en passant – it should be retained that the dictionaries in question omit the dialectical definition of economic scope –, and other two definitions (anthropological and psychological) will be confronted.


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