
  • José Mateus Bido Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR
  • Anderson Gabriel de Souza
  • Guilherme Fogaça
  • Henrique Almeida
  • Pedro Leão Silva



Philosophy, High school, Critical theory


The present work is a record of the reflections of the students of High School, participants of the Philosophy and High School studies group: perspective for the integral formation in light of the Critical Theory, in the Advanced Campus Goioerê, of the Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR). The studies are oriented as a formative process, by the research, putting itself as a record of the argumentative expressions of the members themselves. the research aims to stimulate the formation of teachers for the areas of human sciences from the perspective of Critical Theory, especially for the motivation to study philosophy, understanding it as a simple curricular component. It is also sought to provide textual construction of ideas from the theoretical analysis of philosophy. Theoretically the research is based on the Critical Theory of the society, highlighting thinkers like Adorno, Horkheimer and Marcuse. The methodology of work is focused on the orientations on themes and classic authors of philosophy, which shed light on the highlighted problem reality. The work is a collection of ideas from ongoing studies, revealing students' self-reflection. He is expected to contribute as a formative experience to the students, who are a fundamental part of the educational process and who are open to future teaching, especially from the degrees in the humanities.


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Author Biography

José Mateus Bido, Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR

Doutor em educação pelo Programa de Doutorado da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, sob a orientação da Profª. Dra. Maria Terezinha Bellanda Galuch. É mestre em Filosofia pela UNIOESTE, Campus Toledo-PR, na linha de pesquisa Ética e Filosofia Política, sob a orientação do professor Dr. Rosalvo Schutz. Possui graduação em FILOSOFIA - LICENCIATURA PLENA - pela FACULDADE DE CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS ARNALDO BUZATO (1993) - Facitol - Toledo-PR.


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